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ILWU Local 56 members are standing up to protect union jobs on the waterfront & keep our community safe.

We need YOUR SUPPORT to ensure that companies honor our contract & hire fairly-paid, experienced union workers. When companies put profits over safety & fairness, they put our entire community at risk.
"Fighting for our rights and our work"

Local 56 members work hard every day to protect the harbor and fight for our contractually entitled work.


Unfortunately, non-union hazardous materials companies have proliferated in Southern California in recent years — these companies cut costs by skimping on protective equipment, understaffing response teams, and rushing to finish jobs as quickly as possible, even if it poses a safety risk. Non-union workers are not paid a living wage and receive minimal, if any, benefits. Even though ILWU Local 56 members are contractually entitled to environmental response work at the harbor, these companies have tried to evade using union labor at every turn.


Beyond just the negative impact on Local 56 members, companies who avoid signing union contracts are risking the health and safety of EVERYONE in our community, all in the name of increased profits. Imagine a group of poorly trained, understaffed non-union workers responding to a dangerous oil spill, or trying to contain a chemical spill. When companies go non-union, they are prioritizing their profit over human life and the health and safety of our local community. 


“Many of us are immigrants who have struggled hard to survive. We love being a part of the ILWU family, because
it’s a union that isn’t afraid to stand up and fight.

Working together is the most important way for us to win.”

Unions create opportunity in Southern California

Unions like ILWU Local 56 set a high standard for safety on the job & ensure that all workers have transparent, fair wages & a voice on the job.  Local 56 members know that our union is one of the most impactful ways for working-class people — particularly people of color and women — to earn a fair living wage.


“We need these jobs to take care of our kids and our families,” explains a Local 56 member on a picket line. “When you belong to a union you’re protected. You can speak up and fight for your dignity and respect [...] if someone is treating you unjustly, you can speak up and say something about it.” 


As Local 56 members continue to stand up for what’s right — for ourselves, our families, and our communities —
we are asking for your support. 

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